By request! Marylee Visnovske’s personal stories, as heard on Froggy 96 Farmington MO at 9:00am CST every Friday.

August 17, 2019 – Introducing the first of Marylee Earth Mother Visnovske’s Many Pearls of the Ozark’s. Heartwarming stories of Earth Mother’s life and adventures along the Mississippi and beyond. Her first offering is Mary Edna Maude. Click the thumbnail to view this very special story.

August 23, 2019 – Today’s story, Pennies from Heaven, was written about pennies given to Marylee by the Pentecostals of Fresh Anointing & Pastor Stafford. She was to give the pennies away while she was in Rome when she felt God give her nudge. Listen and see what happens after the broadcast!!!! Check us out at and on Facebook. Marylee is on Froggy 95.9 FM every Friday morning with a story to share.

August 31, 2019 – Those Who Walk Before Me. This week the Earth Mother MaryLee shares an emotional story about her ancestry. Her words also give insight into her connection and dedication to the Native American culture. Thank you for watching!

September 5, 2019 – Great Grandmother’s Indian Quilt – A lovely pearl from MaryLee about the memories surrounding her Great Grandmother Mary Cahow Bettis, and the unique quilt she created. The quilt has been featured in a publication Missouri Heritage Quilts, as well as a large display of Missouri quilts that were specially chosen to be shown in Kansas City Missouri at the Hallmark Center. Look for MaryLee’s Many Pearls of the Ozarks on Farmington’s Froggy 95.9 every Friday at 9:00 a.m. CST or streaming online at the same time.  Please visit MaryLee at Earth Mother Health Foods in Farmington Missouri, online at, on Facebook, and now on Instagram. Thank you for watching!

September 20, 2019 – The St Francois River – Marylee shares their life on the St Francis River in their cabin built by the river. Hear the stories of poison ivy and how her kids poled down the St Francois River. Check out Marylee on the Morning show on Froggy 95.9 Farmington MO followed by the Earth Mother Story of the week at 9 am. We are also on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
Marylee has he Many Pearls of the Ozark Cd’s available at Earth Mother Health Foods.

September 27, 2019- Full Moon at Lee’s Bluff –Take a trip back on the St François River with Marylee and her family. Learn how a vacation should be spent, but…… don’t vacation as hard as Bill!!!!!!! Listen to Marylee on the Morning Show every Friday morning followed by the Earth Mother Story of the Week at 9 am on Froggy 95.6 Farmington MO.  We are on Instagram and Facebook, look for us there as well.

October 3, 2019 – Saved By A River Rat – Join MaryLee, Bill, and Eddie on a rafting adventure on the St. Francois River. As a crazy Missouri storm brings new friends, and being rescued by a River Rat. Listen live on the radio every Friday and 9:00am CST, on Froggy 95.9 Farmington Missouri. Visit Earth Mother in person at Earth Mother Health Foods 220 East Harrison Farmington MO 63640.

October 11, 2019 – Hunting Wild Hogs –  Narrating one of her favorite stories of hunting wild hogs in the deep south. Mary Lee joyfully shares her reminiscence of being in the Georgia swamps with her beloved grandsons. Tune in to hear this and other stories every Friday on Froggy 95.9 Farmington MO, or by ordering CDs on this website. Keep up to date with Mary Lee as well on the Earth Mother Health Foods Facebook page. Thank you!

October 18, 2019 – Mule Days and Coyote Encounters – Join MaryLee as she ventures to the deep south for a visit with her grandsons. During their time together they always experience great adventures, and make lots of loving memories. Listen for the Earth Mother every Friday at 9AM cst online at Froggy 95.9 from Farmington Missouri. You can also find MaryLee in person at Earth Mother Health Foods in Farmington, and on Facebook and YouTube.